
Are You Up For A Challenge?

Matching gifts and challenges give you the chance to significantly increase the impact of your gift for the area that means the most to you at WCU!  

Learn more about matching opportunities below and maximize your contribution to the area of your choice today! 


Catamounts know how to show up: check out even more matches individuals are creating by visiting our GiveCampus page!


Athletics Scholarships: S Conley Properties is matching $4 per donor up to $1,500!

Athletics Facilities: a group of WCU Alumni Association Board Members are matching $5 per donor up to $1,000!

Cheerleading: Lora Branning (Granny’s Kitchen) is matching $1 for $1 up to $5,230 for the Cheerleading program! 

Men’s Cross Country and Track & Field: Jeff Zink is matching $1 for $1 up to $1,000 for the Men’s Cross Country and Track & Field program!

Women’s Tennis: Kelley Graham is matching $20 for $1 up to $1,000 for the Tennis program!


Belcher College of Fine & Performing Arts: Betsy and Eric Seaton are matching $15 per donor for the first 100 donors donorsfor the BCFPA Excellence Endowment Fund! 

Brinson Honors College: Gayle Watkins and Andy Chmar are matching $5 for $1 up to $1,000 for the BHC Excellence Endowment Fund! 

College of Arts and Sciences:

  • Jason Ward is matching $40 per donor up to 50 donors for the CAS Excellence Endowment Fund! 
  • Jeff Gray is matching $20 per donor up to 50 donors for the CAS Excellence Endowment Fund! 

College of Business: An anonymous donor is matching $20 per donor up to $1,000 to the COB Excellence Fund for the first donor that gives to the COB Excellence Fund from each state! 

Highlands Biological Station: Ken Conover and Lynda Anderson are matching $90 per donor up to $4,500 for the Highlands Biological Advancement Fund!